
6 Reasons You Aren’t Making Consistent Money In Your Business

You know you started your business to get to that consistent money. I started my business to create money that I could rely on. Money that would fuel my dreams, give me freedom and allow me to do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want.

But, somewhere along the way, getting to that consistent money can feel tough. Maybe you’ve suffered from Shiny Object Syndrome and you feel like you move from one thing to the next without creating the income you desire. Maybe you feel overwhelmed from all of the business-building choices. I certainly have.

Sometimes, the fastest way to a solution is to talk about what isn’t working. Let’s talk about 6 things that are likely getting in the way of you getting to that consistent money you want – whatever the amount of money is that you want to make each month from your business.

  1. You don’t know what your ideal clients want or need from you. This one can be tricky, because what we think they want from us, isn’t always what they actually need from us. If you don’t do your research and talk to these people, you won’t be able to reach them with your message, or your services and products. Find out what they struggle with, and help them solve it.
  2. You don’t feel confident in either talking about, or selling your services and products. I know so many entrepreneurs that hope to sell their services by “throwing up a couple posts of Facebook, and seeing what happens.” This is no business plan, and will not ever get you to consistent money. You must talk to people, regularly. You must learn to sell. Both of these can be very loving and supportive. In fact, if you are doing it right, they are. 
  3. You aren’t working the numbers. Owning a business requires that you understand the numbers. This may seem scary to some, or restricting, but it can be quite simple, and helpful. You don’t have to be an accounting expert. It can be as simple as setting goals, and understanding how many people you need to connect with to meet those goals.
  4. Your mind is getting in the way. This could look like a bunch of different things. Fear of taking action. Procrastination. Fear of the sales process. Shiny Object Syndrome. Lack of focus. Overwhelm. Frustration. Resistance. WHATEVER is coming up for you on the inside that stops you from taking action. All of these things are completely natural, and okay. The key to is recognize them, and move through them when they arise.
  5. You aren’t taking consistent action over a period of time. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hair? The hair is jumping around, running, stopping, chatting to and making fun of the tortoise. The tortoise, on the other hand, just keeps moving forward, slow and steady. Remember who wins the race? Many people want success quickly, so they act like the hair. But taking that consistent action, over time is what actually creates that consistent money.
  6. You aren’t having any fun. I know this sounds trite on the surface. But in reality, how consistent are you going to be if you don’t enjoy what you are doing. How can you add some fun into your business-building activities so that you can enjoy the process of doing your work?

I know I’ve listed it here simply. But in reality, it is quite simple. We entrepreneurs, me included, have a history of making it more complicated. What project/client/product/service can you start taking action on today that will help both your clients get what they want, while also helping you get what you want?

You got this! If you are struggling with consistent income, and need support, book a Business Breakthrough Session with me here. You will walk away with a ton of clarity, and some next steps to bust through to that regular and consistent money you really want. 

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