
Why They Didn’t Buy…

(And how to fix it for next time.)

What I know, is that there is nothing more exhilarating than getting off a call with a potential client that feels like it went really well. You knew you were on your a-game, and they really got what they needed. You’ll probably book that client.

On the other hand, there is nothing worse than having sales call, and then you never hear from that person again. Why didn’t they buy? It feels like a missed opportunity, for them and you. Let’s discuss what possibly went wrong when you don’t book the client, so that you can fix it for the next time.

1.They don’t understand how it will solve their problem/change their lives. Your job in the sales process is to find out what your potential client wants changed in their life/business/world. It is also your job to determine if your product/service/offering can meet that need. If it isn’t clear how this offering will change their lives, or solve a big problem they have, they won’t buy it.

Solution:  Get as clear as possible about the benefits of your work to the end-user. Make it clear, and easy to understand. 

2. They aren’t ready to change. Many people want to get on a call with a coach, healer, consultant, etc because it sounds exciting to change your life, and create something different. The reality is that transformation can be intense, and requires a lot of a person. Not everyone is actually ready for that. They will understand that for themselves after talking to you as well.

Solution:  Are there elements to your service/product/offering that can assist them in making the transformation easier? You’ll want to make sure to discuss them, and why you’ve included them.

3. The price doesn’t equal the value. To put it another way, the product/service seems overpriced for what they feel they are getting for that price. Yes, price is subjective, but if you can’t confidently explain why the price is the price, you will lose the sale. Bonus points here if you underpromise and over deliver.

Solution: When you are creating your offering, make sure that it feels “juicy” for the price – meaning that it feels to the end-user that they are getting a ton of value for their money. Also, practice saying your price a whole bunch of times so that you can easily and confidently say it.

4. They don’t think they it will work for them. If someone wants to change, but they’ve never been successful at the attempt on their own, it can lead one to believe that change isn’t possible. Belief is so powerful, that whatever a person believes about themselves makes it true. If they don’t believe they will succeed, or that it’s even possible to change (many people think this way), it is highly unlikely that they will buy.

Solution:  Helping them to envision what success will look like, can alleviate this concern. Also looking at other areas of their lives where they’ve created success can be extremely helpful.

5. They aren’t sure you can help them. This is legit. Maybe you are new. Maybe they are new to to this work. Frankly, a lot of people have been scammed.

Solution:  I wouldn’t take this personally. It is a part of owning your own business. We must establish our authority. I don’t mean in a domineering way. I mean that it is part of our marketing job to show people in a variety of ways, that we are more than capable and trustworthy. Testimonials, pdfs, case studies, white papers, blog posts, videos, certificates, degrees, etc all help to show your authority and trustworthiness in your work. Share these with clients and potential clients frequently and often.

6. They actually don’t have the money. Most people in the world don’t walk around with a “change-my-life” budget. This means that if they want to work with you, they’ll have to find the money, or take it from somewhere else where they normally spend it. 

Solution:  I determine as soon as possible, the potential fitness for my solution/offer/product. That includes whether I want to work with this person, their ability to pay, and their want and ability to complete the work. I definitely want a client who is hungry for transformation, but if someone will be using their rent money to pay for my services, that client is not ready for my work. Forcing the issue will create more stress for the client, and you.

It’s your job before, during and after the sales/discovery call to help your client to determine what is best for them. Having answers to some of these reasons not to buy up front can make the call even easier for you, and your potential client what actually is best. Hopefully, you can start brainstorming how to answer these potential reasons before your next call.

Want some assistance dissecting your sales calls to determine where you are nailing it, and where you could use some support? Reach out! I’d love to offer you a free call! Click here to schedule, or send me a message here. No matter how you feel about the process of selling, we really do need your work, on this planet, at this time. Don’t let fear hold you back. Your work is too important. 

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